গত ক্লাসে Chronic lead poisoning review করা হয়নি। তাই আজ Chronic lead poisoning পড়তে বসলাম।
রুহি- প্রথমে বল তো, Sign-symptoms of chronic lead poisoning কি কি আছে?
আমি- 🔴 Signs-symptoms of chronic lead poisoning
🔯 General symptoms
- Pallor
- Weight loss
- Anorexia
- Abdominal colic relieved by pressure
- Constipation
- Blue line (Burtonian line) on the gum
- Vasoconstriction
- Rarely hypertensive encephalopathy
🔯 Loco-motor
- Muscle weakness
- Wrist drop.

🔯 Blood
- Hypochromic anaemia
- Punctate basophilia
🔯 Renal
- Albuminuria
- Chronic interstitial nephritis
🔯 Reproductive
- Menstrual derangement
- Miscarriage
- Still birth
- Sterility
রুহি- আচ্ছা বল তো, Menstrual derangement বলতে কি কি বুঝায়?”
আমি- Amenorrhea
Menorhagia etc.
এখন তুই বল, Treatment কি কি হতে পারে?
রুহি- 🔴 Treatment of chronic lead poisoning:
- Remove the patient from the source of poison ( Blood level of 0.007 mg/dl is dangerous, needs hospitalization ).
- Chelating agents are used to remove lead from tissue either by EDTA or penicillamine. 750- 1500 mg/day.
- DMSA (Dimercaprosuccinic acid), DMPS (2,3- Dimercaptopnopure 1-salphonate).
- KI or Nal in medicinal doses.
- NaHCO, 20-30 gm/day.
- Calcium gluconate 20% solution 15 ml or Calcium chloride 10% solution 10 ml.
- Saline purgatives- MgSO4 to remove lead from bowel.
- In encephalopathy- Diagnostic lumbar puncture. Inj. Mannitol for increased intracerebral pressure.
- Improve general health by high protein diet, calcium, ample of food.
আমি- আচ্ছা। আর Cause of death কি কি হতে পারে?
রুহি- Malnutrition,
Intercurrent infection,
Liver failure,
Renal failure,
Respiratory failure,
বলতো Post mortem findings কি কি পেতে পারি?
আমি- Post-mortem findings in chronic lead poisoning
➡ External findings
- Baby is emaciated.
- A black line along the margin of gum.
- The paralyzed muscles see flaccid & show fatty degeneration.
➡ Internal findings
1) Intestines: Contracted & thickened.
2) Kidneys-
- → Small & contracted.
- → Evidence of tubular necrosis with intra nuclear inclusion bodies.
3) Liver: Hard & contracted.
4) Heart: Left ventricular hypertrophy.
5) Brain: Oedematous, herniation & sign of
compression may be present.
Chronic and acute lead poisoning তো জানা হলো।
তবে এবার জানা যাক Lead poisoning এর Complications গুলো।
রুহি- 🔴 Complications of lead poisoning:
1) Renal system:
→ Nephropathy
→ Fanconi syndrome
2) CVS: → HTN
3) CNS: → Stroke
4) Reproductive system
🔯 Male
→ Oligospermia
→ Abnormality in motility & morphology of sperm
🔯 Female:
→ Miscarriage
→ Prematurity
→ Low birth weight
আমি- বাচ্চাদের জন্য কেমন ক্ষতিকর এটি?
রুহি- Lead is more harmful to children as it can affect developing nerves & brain.
🔯 Additional complications for children-
↓ Loss of developmental skills,
↓ Behavior attention problems
↓ Hearing loss
↓ Kidney damage
↓ Reduced IQ
↓ Slow body growth

বল তো Lead এর আরেক নাম কি?
আমি- Plumbum।
রুহি- হু, এই Plumbum শব্দ থেকেই এসেছে Plumbism এবার Plumbism নিয়ে বিস্তারিত বল।
🔯 Plumbism– Chronic lead poisoning is known as plumbism.
1) Plumbism is more common among the painter, printer, plumbers, potters & workers in lead factories.
2) Plumbism may result from canned food contaminated with lead.
3) Drinking water & from constant use of hair dye & cosmetics containing lead.

4) Hindu married women are in the habit of applying vermilion over the part of scalp hair above the middle forehead & lead is absorbed from it.
5) From air pollution by exhaust of petrol products.
বল তো Plumbism এর অপর নাম কি?
রুহি- Saturnism।
আমি- Correct। এখানে Bells palsy এর মতো পাওয়া যায় Lead palsy। জেনে নিই Lead palsy সম্পর্কে।
Lead palsy– It is a specific feature in case of chronic lead poisoning
Causes:It occurs due to degeneration of nerves & atrophy of muscles which may be the result with the phosphorus-creatinine metabolism at the muscular level.
Features: 1) Initially
→ Numbness
→ Hyperesthesia
→ Fibrillation
→ Tremor
→ Cramps
2) Finally- Wrist drop & foot drop due to paralysis of extensor muscles of wrist & of anterior tibial muscles respectively.
3) There may also be paralysis of deltoid, biceps, ocular muscles & intrinsic muscles of the fingers & toes.
এখন বাকি রইলো Lead line। Definition of lead line বল তো দেখি।
Lead line– It is a stippled blue line on the gums especially on upper jaw, due to epithelial deposit of lead granules.

বল তো একে আর কি কি নামে বলা হয়?
আমি – Blue line/ Burtonian line।
রুহি- বল তো কোন কোন Poisoning এ এই Lead line পাওয়া সম্ভব।
Lead line is found in the following cases of poisoning-
1) Lead
2) Mercury
3) Copper
4) Bismuth
5) Iron
6) Silver
এবার জেনে নিই Mechanism of lead line।
রুহি- তাহলে এইবার বলি mechanism of lead line
🔯 Mechanism–
Decomposition of food in the mouth
Formation of HS
HS + Lead
Lead sulphide
আচ্ছা বল তো Recovery of lead poisoning possible?
আমি- Yes, possible but rare.
রুহি- তাহলে আজ এখানেই শেষ!
প্রস্তুত তো আইটেম দেয়ার জন্য?
আমি- অবশ্যই।
Dr.K.S.Narayan Reddy & DR.O.P.Murty, The essential of forensic medicine and toxicology, 33rd edition.
DR.Apurba Nandy, Principles of forensic medicine including toxicology, 3rd edition.
Platform Academia/
Monadia chowdhury
Southern medical college