Item দেওয়ার আগে দুই বন্ধু একজন আরেক জনকে question করে দেখছিল, আসলে তাদের preparation টা কেমন হয়েছে।
সাদিয়া: আচ্ছা রিমা, item দিতে যেয়ে প্রথমে স্যার anatomical position এ sternum ধরতে বলবেন এবং anatomical points বলতে বলবেন। তুই তাহলে শুরু কর।
রিমা: ঠিক আছে।
Anatomical points of sternum:
- The quadrilateral shaped manubrium is directed upward.
- The triangular shaped xiphoid process is directed downward.
- Anterior surface of the body of the sternum is flat and its marked by 3 transverse ridge.
আচ্ছা বলতো morphological type অনুযায়ী এটা কী type bone?
সাদিয়া: It is a long flat bone. বলতো কেনো flat bone বলা হয়?
রিমা: এটাতো পড়িনি।
সাদিয়া: শোন, এটাকে flat bone বলা হয় কারণ এটার histological structure হচ্ছে,
• Outer, inner compact and middle spongy layers
• It contain red bonemarrow throughout the life.
এবার বল sternum এর length কতো?
রিমা: About 17 cm long in males, less in females. তুই বল sternum এর part কয়টি?
সাদিয়া: 3 part.
- Manubrium.
- Body and
- Xiphoid process.
তুই আমাকে manubrium টা describe কর? রিমা: Manubrium is quadrilateral in shape. It is the thickest and strongest part of the sternum. It has
• 2 surfaces : anterior surface and posterior surface.
• 4 borders: superior, inferior and two lateral border.
[ a ] Anterior surface is convex from side to side and concave from above downwords.
[ b] Posterior surface is concave and smooth.
[ c] The superior border is thick, rounded and concave. It is marked by the suprasternal notch or jugular notch or interclavicular notch. Two clavicular notches are present on either side.
[ d] The inferior border forms a secondary cartilaginous joint with the body of the sternum and forms an angle is called the sternal angle of Louis.
[e ] The right and left lateral borders are marked by a small articular demifacet, which articulates with part of the second costal cartilage.
তুই বল sternal angle কতো ডিগ্রি এবং sternal angle এর importance?

সাদিয়া: Importance of sternal angle:
- An important landmark for counting of the ribs as second costal cartilage articulates at this level.
- Corresponds to the lower border of the body of the fourth thoracic vertebra.
- At this level, an imaginary line separate the superior and inferior mediastinum.
- Ascending aorta ends at this level.
- Arch of aorta begins and ends at this level.
- Descending thoracic aorta begins at this level.
- Bifurcation of trachea at this level.
- Corresponds to the arch of azygos vein.
Sternal angle এর ডিগ্রি! এটাতো জানি না।
রিমা: 163°.
- It increase during inspiration.
- It Decrease during expiration.
তুই আমাকে manubrium এর attachment বল?
[ ] Anterior surface: gives origin to two muscle on each side:-
- Pectoralis major: arises from each side near the lateral border.
- Sternocleidomastoid (sternal head): arises from the upper end on either side of the median plane.
[ ] Posterior surface: gives origin to 2 muscle on each side:- - Sternohyoids – above
- Sternothyroids – below
তুই posterior surface of the Manubrium এর relations বল?
[ ] Lower half:
- Arch of the aorta.
[ ] Upper half from right to left: - Left brachiocephalic vein.
- Brachiocephalic artery
- Left common carotid artery.
- Left subclavian artery.
[ ] On either side : - Lungs and pleurae.
তুই আমাকে এখন body of the sternum describe কর?
সাদিয়া: Body of the sternum is flat. It is the longer, narrower and thinner than the manubrium. It lies opposite the 5th to 9th thoracic vertebrae. Anterior surface presents 3 transverse ridge which indicate fusion of the 4 sternebrae.
- Two surfaces: anterior and posterior.
- Two ends: upper and lower.
- Two lateral borders.
তুই muscle attachment বল?
[ ] Anterior surface gives origin to: pectoralis major.
[ ] Posterior surface gives origin to: sternocostalis.
সাদিয়া, তুই এটার relation বল?
সাদিয়া: Relations of the posterior surface :
• Right of the median plane:
1. pleura
2. Anterior border of right lung.
• Upper left half of the median plane:
1. Left pleura
2. Left lung
• Lower left half of the median plane:
1. Pericardium
তুই এখন xiphoid process টা বল?
• The xiphoid process is the smallest part of the sternum.
• It is triangular in shape. It is thin, pointed, bifid, perforated.
• It is located in the epigastrium.
[ ] It has two surfaces (anterior and posterior), two lateral borders and two ends ( superior and inferior)
আমার এটার attachment টা মনে থাকে না। তুই একটু সহজ করে বলতো?
সাদিয়া: ঠিক আছে, শোন।
Anterior surface gives insertion to:
- Recuts abdominis
- Aponeurosis of external and internal obliques.
Posterior surface gives origin to: - The diaphragm
- Linea alba
আর এটার relation এ থাকবে anterior surface of the left lobe of the liver.
তুই কি ossification পড়েছিস?
রিমা: Process of bone formation is called ossification.
[ ] Sternum is of cartilaginous ossification. It has 6 ossification centre. Ossification starts at intra uterine life and completes 25 years.
তুই এটার Development বল?
সাদিয়া: somatopleuric layer of lateral plate mesoderm.

Developmental anomalies:
- Funnel chest: sternum is depressed from normal position.
- Pigeon chest: sternum is elevated from normal position.
Clinically sternum এর importance বলতো? রিমা: clinically এটার importance অনেক বেশি।
[ ] sternal puncture. Bone marrow aspiration for haematological examination.
[ ] It is done upper half of the manubrium.
বলতো কেনো upper half এ puncture করা হয়?
সাদিয়া: কারণ lower half এর relation এ arch of aorta থাকে। এটা যাতে injured না হয় এই জন্য upper half এ করা হয়। আরো importance আছে।
[ ] Open heart surgery te mid sternotomy করা হয়।
আচ্ছা বলতো cleft sternum কখন হয়?
রিমা: Sternum formation হয় two sternal buds থেকে। যদি sternal buds fuse না হয়, তখন cleft sternum হয়।
• Cleft sternum
• Bifid sternum
• Perforated sternum.
একটা topic কিন্তু আমাদের বলা হয়নি। বলতো সেটা কী?
সাদিয়া: কী? সবকিছু তো বলা হলো। আর কী বাকি আছে। মনে পড়ছে না তো! তুই বল?
রিমা: joints name and types.
সাদিয়া: ওহ ঠিকতো। এটা আমি বলবো এটা আমি পারি।
- Sternoclavicular joint: saddle type of synovial joint
- Manubriosternal joint: secondary cartilaginous joint.
- Xiphisternal joint: primary cartilaginous joint
- 1st condrosternal joint: primary Cartilaginous joint
- (2nd to 7th) condrosternal joint: plane type of synovial joint
রিমা: তুইতো অনেক ভালো preparation নিয়েছিস। Best of luck.
সাদিয়া: তুই ও।Item টা দুই জনেরই clear হয়ে যাক এই দোয়া করি।
- BD Chaurasia’s (7th addition)
- Essential of Human Anatomy by A.K Datta
Platform Academic Wings/
Sahina Akter Suma
International Medical College
Session: 2018-2019
Loved it.🖤 helpful🥰