প্রথমেই heart এর definition জানবো
➡️The heart is a hollow muscular organ situated in the mediastinum of the thoracic cavity, enclosed in the pericardium.
1) Apex থেকে base : 12 cm
2) Antero-posterior diameter : 6cm
3) Transverse diameter : 9 cm
4) Weight:
300 g in male
250g in Female
➡️Presenting parts:
1. Apex
2. Base
3. Surface
🔹 Sternocostal surface
🔹 Diaphragmatic surface
🔹 Left surface
🔹Right border
🔹Inferior border
🔹Left border
➡️Chambers of heart
🔹চারটি চেম্বার থাকে দুটি করে atrium, দুটি করে ventricle।
🔹দুটি atrium আলাদা থাকে inter
atrial septum দিয়ে।
🔹দুটি ventricle আলাদা থাকে inter
ventricular septum দিয়ে।
🔹atrium & ventricle আলাদা থাকে
atrio-ventricular septum দিয়ে।
➡️Apex : এর formation হয় left ventricle দিয়ে।
( এর অবস্থান left 5th intercostal space just medial to the midclavicular line)।
➡️Base : এটা quadrilateral shape এর। যার হয় দুটি atria দিয়ে।
↪️1/3 right atrium
↪️2/3 left atrium
(Superior & inferior vena cava opened into the right atrium.
4 pulmonary veins opened into left atrium)
↪️Base এর vertebrae level :
🔹 Supine position: T5-T8
🔹 Standing position : T6-T9
➡️Heart এর base & vertebral column এর মাঝে যে সকল structures intervene করে
1) Oblique sinus
2) Posterior part of fibrous pericardium
3) Right pair of the pulmonary veins
4) Right & left bronchi
5) Oesophagus with plexus of nerves
6) Descending thoracic aorta
7) Thoracic duct
8) Azygos & hemi-azygos vein
9) Greater & lesser splanchnic nerves
10) Posterior mediastinal lymph nodes
➡️Sternocostal surface: (formation হয় atrium & ventricle দিয়ে)
Ventricular: 2/3 right ventricle & 1/3 left ventricle.
Atrial: Anterior portion of the right atrium & right auricle.
Anterior surface of left auricle.

🔄Diaphragmatic surface: 2/3 left ventricle & 1/3 right ventricle.
➡️Surface এ যেসব groove থাকে
🔹Anterior interventricular groove: (Sternocostal surface এ পাওয়া যায়)
1. Anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery
2. Great cardiac vein.
3. Some amount of fat
🔹Posterior interventricular groove: (Inferior surface এ থাকে) content:
- Posterior interventricular branch of right coronary artery.
- Middle cardiac vein
➡️Atrio ventricular groove/ coronary sulcus
1. Trunk of right & left coronary artery
2. Coronary sinus
➡️Interior of right atrium:(2টা part)
🔹Sinus venarum (posterior smooth part):
1) Opening of the superior vena cava
2) Opening of the inferior vena cava
3) Opening of coronary sinus
4) Venae cordis minimi
🔹Atrium proper: (anterior rough part)
1) Crista terminalis: C shaped ridge.
2) Musculi pectinati: parallel muscular ridge.

➡️Interior right ventricle:
🔹Inflowing rough part:
1) Right atrio-ventricular orifice & tricuspid valve complex
2) Trabeculae carneae: ৩টা part থাকে।
- Ridge
- Bridge
- Papillary muscle
🔹Outflowing smooth part:
1) Aortic orifice in case of left ventricle
2) pulmonary orifice in case of right ventricle
➡️Heart এর arterial supply:
🔸Right & left coronary artery (এই coronary artery ascending aorta branch).

➡️এছাড়া ও heart এর layer 3টি:
- Epicardium
- Myocardium
- Endocardium
Ayrin Sultana Mim
Central Medical College, Cumilla
Session : 2019-20
Platform Academia / Shahriar Kabbo