
Facts about Zoledronic Acid

  1. Zoledronic acid is commonly prescribed medication for osteoporosis. Dose is 5 mg in 100 ml IV over at least 15 min once yearly.
  2. Zoledronic acid reduce fracture risk reduction in vertebral, non vertebral and hip.
  3. Renal function (creatinine, CCR) and ECG should be done before receiving Zoledronic acid.
  4. Patients should be well hydrated and asked to drink 2 glasses water before receiving Zoledronic acid. Pre-existing hypocalcaemia should be corrected.
  5. Acute phase reaction (Fever, myalgia, flu-like illness) can occur in 30% patients receiving their first dose. Paracetamol given 1-2 hr before reduce likelihood of reaction and can also be given to treat the symptoms.
  6. Contraindicated in patients with CCR <35 mL/min.
  7. Osteonecrosis of jaw, atypical femur fracture are rare adverse effects.

Dr. M Saifuddin
MBBS (DMC, K-56)
FCPS (Medicine), MD (Endocrinology)
Assistant professor (Endocrinology)
Dhaka Medical College

Platform Academic / Ariful Islam Neloy

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