Elephantiasis, also known as lymphatic filariasis, is a very rare condition that’s spread by mosquitoes.
The common name is often used because if you have it, your arms and legs can swell and become much bigger than they should be. The affected skin can thicken and harden to look something like an elephant’s skin.
It’s more common in tropical or subtropical areas.
★ Causes
Usually, to get elephantiasis, you would have to be bitten by a lot of mosquitoes over a long time, in a country where certain types of roundworms are known to exist.

It starts when mosquitoes infected with the roundworm larvae bite you. The tiny larvae survive in your bloodstream and grow. They finish maturing in your lymph system. They can live there for years and cause a lot of damage to your lymph system. This is what causes the swelling.
★ Symptoms
You may not know you have elephantiasis until you notice the swelling. Not only will those body parts begin to look bulky and lumpy with stiff, tough skin, there is also pain in the swollen areas.
You may also have chills, fever, and just feel bad all over.

★ Diagnosis
Your doctor can find out if you have elephantiasis by giving you a physical exam. She will ask about your medical history, and whether you’ve traveled to a place where you were more likely to have gotten elephantiasis.
She also will have blood tests done to see if roundworms are in your bloodstream. These tests need to be done at night, because that’s when these parasites are active.
★ Treatment
There are medicines to treat elephantiasis. Your doctor may give you one called diethylcarbamazine (DEC). You’ll take it once a year.
If you have elephantiasis symptoms, there are some things you can do on your own to ease them:
1) Wash and dry the swollen areas daily
2) Use moisturizer
3) Check for wounds and use medicated cream on any sore spots
4) Exercise, and walk when possible
5) If your arms or legs are swollen, keep them elevated when you’re lying down or seated.
★ Living with elephantiasis
Elephantiasis can be disabling. Sometimes it’s hard to move the affected body parts, which means it could be difficult to work. It might even be hard to get around in your home.
If you have elephantiasis and want information about support groups, ask your doctor. You can also go online to find resources that might help.
Sumayea Binta Khair
MH Samorita Medical College
Session: 2019-2020