At least someone loves me and fights for me.
I love you, my white blood cells.
এই মিমটার কথা ভেবেই আইটেমের আগে মুচকি হাসছিলাম। তখনই ডাক পড়লো আমার।
আমি: আসসালামু আলাইকুম, স্যার।
স্যার: ওয়ালাইকুম আসসালাম। বসে পড়ো। আজকের আইটেম এর নাম হলো শ্বেত রক্তকণিকা। বলতো এর অপর নাম কী?
আমি: স্যার, Leukocyte।
স্যার: What is leukocytes?
আমি: The leukocytes, also called white blood cells, are the mobile unit of body’s protective system. They are the colorless and nucleated formed elements of blood.
স্যার: Very good. Now classify WBC.
আমি: Based on the presence or absence of granules in the cytoplasm.
🔴 Granulocytes– Have granules. They are of three types:
✔️ Neutrophil
✔️ Eosinophil
✔️ Basophil
🔴 Agranuloycytes– Have no granules. They are of two types:
✔️ Lymphocytes:
🔸 Large lymphocytes.
🔸 Small lymphocytes.
✔️ Monocytes.
স্যার: দারুণ! এবার বলো শ্বেত রক্তকণিকার টোটাল কাউন্ট কত?
আমি: জি স্যার। Total count of WBC = 4000-11000/cmm of blood.
স্যার: What do you mean by differential count of WBC? Tell me the differential count of WBC.
আমি: Differential count of white blood cell is the percentage wise distribution of the individual cells per 100 WBC. Differential counts of WBC:
✔️ Neutrophil- (50 – 70%)
✔️ Lymphocyte- (20 – 40%)
✔️ Monocyte- (2 – 8%)
✔️ Eosinophil- (1 – 4%)
✔️ Basophil- (0 – 1%)

স্যার: Excellent. Now shortly describe those cells.
আমি: Yes sir.
🔶 Neutrophil:
◾ Known as polymorphs.
◾ Fine or small granules in cytoplasm.
◾ Nucleus is multilobed (2 to 5 lobes).
◾ The diameter of cell is 10 to 15 micrometer.
◾ Amoeboid in nature.
◾ The granules take acidic or basic stains. Violet in color.
🔶 Eosinophil:
◾ Larger granules.
◾ Stain pink or red orange in eosin.
◾ Nucleus is bilobed.
◾ Diameter 12 to 17 micrometer.
🔶 Basophil:
◾ Coarse granules.
◾ Purple blue.
◾ Nucleus is bilobed.
◾ Diameter is 12 to 15 micrometer.
🔶 Monocyte:
◾ Largest leukocytes with diameter of 12 to 20 micrometer.
◾ Cytoplasm is clear without granules.
◾ Nucleus round, oval and horseshoe shaped, bean shaped or kidney shaped.
🔶 Lymphocyte:
◾ Do not have granules.
◾ Nucleus is round and occupies the whole of the cytoplasm.
◾ Diameter of large lymphocytes : 12- 16 micrometer. Diameter of small lymphocytes: 6- 8 micrometer.
স্যার: Excellent. Tell me the types of lymphocytes according to function.
আমিঃ Yes sir. According to function, they are of two types. They are:
🔸 T lymphocytes: Concern with the cellular immunity.
🔸 B lymphocytes: Concern with humoral immunity.
স্যার: Very good. Now tell me the lifespan of WBC.
আমি: The lifespans of WBC are:
🔴 Granulocytes- In blood: 4 to 8 hours; In tissues: few days.
🔴 Agranulocytes- In circulation: few hours (10 – 20 hours); In tissues: few weeks, months.
স্যার: Describe the properties of WBC.
আমি: Properties of WBC are:
⚫ Diapedesis: The process by which the leukocytes squeeze through the narrow blood vessels.
⚫ Amoeboid movement: Neutrophil, monocytes and lymphocytes show amoebic movement, characterized by protrusion of cytoplasm and change in the shape.
⚫ Chemotaxis: It is the attraction of WBC towards the injured tissue.
⚫ Phagocytosis: Neutrophils and monocytes engulf the foreign bodies by means of Phagocytosis.
স্যার: Shortly tell me about the mechanism of phagocytosis.
আমি: Mechanism of Phagocytosis are:
✔️ Recognition.
✔️ Attachment.
✔️ Pseudopodium formation.
✔️ Engulfment.
✔️ Intracellular digestion by lysosomal hydrolytic enzyme.

স্যার: Very good. What do you mean by leukopoiesis?
আমি: It is the development and maturation of WBC.
স্যার: Tell me about the physiological variation of WBC.
🔶 Age:
🔸 In infants: About 20000 per cubic mm of blood.
🔸 In children: 10000 – 15000 per cubic mm of blood.
🔸 In adults: 4000 – 11000 per cubic mm of blood.
🔶 Sex: Slightly more in male than female.
🔶 Diurnal variation: Minimum in early morning and maximum in afternoon.
🔶 Exercise: Increases slightly.
🔶 Sleep: Decreases.
🔶 Pregnancy: Increases.
🔶 Menstruation: Increases.
🔶 Parturition: Increases.
স্যার: Now tell me about the pathological variation of WBC.
🔷 Leukocytosis: Increase of WBC. It occurs in:
✔️ Infection.
✔️ Allergy.
✔️ Common cold.
✔️ Tuberculosis.
✔️ Glandular fever.
🔷 Leukemia: Uncontrolled production of white blood cells can be caused by cancerous mutation of a myelogenous or lymphogenous cell. This causes leukemia, which is usually characterized by greatly increased numbers of abnormal WBC.
🔷 Leukopenia: Decrease of WBC. Occurs in:
✔️ Anaphylactic shock.
✔️ Cirrhosis of liver.
✔️ Disorders of spleen.
✔️ Pernicious anemia.
✔️ Typhoid and paratyphoid.
✔️ Viral infections.
স্যার: অনেক ভালো হয়েছে তোমার আইটেম। পরের জনকে আসতে বলো যাও।
আমি: ধন্যবাদ স্যার। আসসালামু আলাইকুম।
🔴 Reference: Guyton and Hall: Textbook of medical Physiology.
Samson Wright’s.
Platform academic wing.
Mehedi Hasan Shariar.
Central medical college, Cumilla.
Session: 2019- 2020.